"Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes"

English / Japanese

Authors: Riichiro Saito, Gene Dresslhaus, and M. S. Dresselhaus
Publisher: Imperial College Press (London) , ISBN 1-86094-093-5
Price: $25/$19 (soft cover) U.S. 258pages.

Table of Contents

1 Carbon Materials 
  1.1 History 
  1.2 Hybridization in A Carbon Atom 
    1.2.1 sp Hybridization: Acetylene, HC=CH 
    1.2.2 sp2 Hybridization: Polyacetylene, (HC=CH-)n 
    1.2.3 sp3 Hybridization: Methane, (CH4) 
    1.2.4 Carbon 1s Core Orbitals 
    1.2.5 Isomers of Carbon 
    1.2.6 Carbynes 
    1.2.7 Vapor Grown Fibers 

2 Tight Binding Calculation of Molecules and Solids 
  2.1 Tight Binding Method for a Crystalline Solid 
    2.1.1 Secular Equation 
    2.1.2 Procedure for obtaining the energy dispersion 
  2.2 Electronic Structure of Polyacetylene 
  2.3 Two-Dimensional Graphite 
    2.3.1 pi Bands of Two-Dimensional Graphite 
    2.3.2 sigma Bands of Two-Dimensional Graphite 

3 Structure of a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube 
  3.1 Classification of carbon nanotubes 
  3.2 Chiral Vector: Ch
  3.3 Translational Vector: T
  3.4 Symmetry Vector: R
  3.5 Unit Cell 
  3.6 Group Theory of Carbon Nanotubes 
  3.7 Experimental evidence for nanotube structure 

4 Electronic Structure of Single-Wall Nanotubes 
  4.1 One-electron dispersion relations 
    4.1.1 Zone-Folding of Energy Dispersion Relations 
    4.1.2 Armchair and Zigzag Nanotubes 
    4.1.3 Dispersion of chiral nanotubes 
  4.2 Density of States, Energy gap 
  4.3 Effects of Peierls distortion and nanotube curvature 

5 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube 
  5.1 Single-Wall Nanotube Synthesis 
  5.2 Laser Vaporization Synthesis Method 
  5.3 Arc Method of Synthesizing Carbon Nanotubes 
  5.4 Vapor Growth and Other Synthesis Methods 
    5.4.1 Vapor Growth Method 
    5.4.2 Other Synthesis Methods 
  5.5 Purification 
  5.6 Nanotube Opening, Wetting, Filling and Alignment 
    5.6.1 Nanotube Opening 
    5.6.2 Nanotube Wetting 
    5.6.3 Nanotube Filling 
    5.6.4 Alignment of Nanotubes 
  5.7 Nanotube Doping, Intercalation, and BN/C Composites 
  5.8 Temperature Regimes for Carbonization and Graphitization 
  5.9 Growth Mechanisms 

6 Magnetic Energy Bands of Nanotubes 
  6.1 Free Electron in a Magnetic Field 
  6.2 Tight Binding in a Magnetic Field 
  6.3 Cosine Band in a Magnetic Field 
  6.4 Landau Energy Bands 
  6.5 Landau Energy Bands: Aharonov--Bohm effect
  6.6 Landau Energy Bands: Quantum-Oscillation 

7 Connecting Carbon Nanotubes 
  7.1 Net Diagrams of a Junction 
  7.2 The Rule for Connecting Two Nanotubes 
  7.3 Shape of a Junction 
  7.4 Tunneling Conductance of a Junction 
  7.5 Coiled Carbon Nanotubes 

8 Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 
  8.1 Quantum transport in a one-dimensional wire 
    8.1.1 A ballistic conductor (L << L_m, Lp)
    8.1.2 Classic transport, (Lp << L)
    8.1.3 Localization, (L_m << Lp)
    8.1.4 Universal Conductance Fluctuations 
    8.1.5 Negative Magnetoresistance 
  8.2 Transport experiments on carbon nanotubes 
    8.2.1 Attaching Contacts 
    8.2.2 An Individual Single-Wall Nanotube 
    8.2.3 An Individual Rope of Single-Wall Nanotubes 
    8.2.4 Magneto-Transport in Multi-Wall Nanotubes 

9 Phonon Modes of Carbon Nanotubes 
  9.1 Dynamical matrix for phonon dispersion relations 
  9.2 Phonon dispersion relations for two-dimensional graphite 
  9.3 Phonon dispersion relations for nanotubes 
    9.3.1 Zone folding method 
    9.3.2 Force constant tensor of a carbon nanotube 
    9.3.3 Force constant corrections due to curvature of 1D nanotubes 

10 Raman Spectra of Carbon Nanotubes 
  10.1 Raman or infrared active modes of carbon nanotubes 
  10.2 Raman experiments on single-wall nanotubes 
  10.3 Bond Polarizability Theory of Raman Intensity for Carbon Nanotubes 
  10.4 Raman Spectra of Nanotubes with Random Orientations 
    10.4.1 Lower Frequency Raman Spectra 
    10.4.2 Higher Frequency Raman Modes 
    10.4.3 Medium Frequency Raman Modes 
  10.5 Sample Orientation Dependence 

11 Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 
  11.1 Overview of Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes  
  11.2 Strain Energy of Carbon Nanotubes 
  11.3 The Peierls Instability of Nanotubes 
    11.3.1 Bond Alternation 
    11.3.2 Peierls Distortion of graphite and carbon nanotubes 
  11.4 Properties of Multi-Wall Nanotubes 

