Saito Lab, Tohoku University
6-3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku
Sendai, 980-8578, Japan


  1. Y. Harada, M. S. Ukhtary, M. Wang, S. K Srinivasan, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, G. T. Noe, Y. Sakai, R. Vajtai, P. M Ajayan, R. Saito, J. Kono: Giant Terahertz-Wave Absorption by Monolayer Graphene in a Total Internal Reflection Geometry, ACS Photonics In Press.
  2. A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, R. Saito: Selective coherent phonon mode generation in single-wall carbon nanotubes, Jour. Phys. Cond. Matt. 29, 055302 (2017).
  3. E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. Dresselhaus, R. Saito: Fermi energy dependence of first-and second-order Raman spectra in graphene: Kohn anomaly and quantum interference effect, Phys. Rev. B 94, 075104 (2016).
  4. D. Zhang, J. Yang, E. H. Hasdeo, C. Liu, K. Liu, R. Saito, Y. Li: Multiple Electronic Raman Scatterings in a Single Metallic Carbon Nanotube, Phys. Rev. B 93, 245428 (2016).
  5. M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, R. Saito: Broadband Transverse Electric Surface Wave in Silicene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 063103 (2016).
  6. N. T. Hung, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito: Quantum effects on thermoelectric power factor of low-dimensional semiconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 036602 (2016).
  7. X. Ling, S. Huang, E. H. Hasdeo, L. Liang, W. M. Parkin, Y. Tatsumi, A. R. T. Nugraha, A. A. Puretzky,‎ P. M. Das, B. G. Sumpter, D. B. Geohegan, J. Kong, R. Saito, M. Drndic, V. Meunier, M. S. Dresselhaus: Anisotropic Electron-Photon and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Black Phosphorus, Nano Lett., 16, 2260 (2016).
  8. P. Ayria, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, T. R. Czank, S. Tanaka, R. Saito: Photon energy dependence of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in graphene, Phys. Rev. B 92, 195148 (2005).
  9. N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito: Diameter dependence of thermoelectric power of semiconducting carbon nanotubes Phys. Rev. B 92, 165426 (2015). Preprint version: arXiv:1508.05727 (2015).
  10. R. Saito, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, S. Siregar, H. Guo, T. Yang: Ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy of graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides, Phys. Status Solidi B, (2015)
  11. M. S. Ukhtary, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito: Fermi energy-dependence of electromagnetic wave absorption in graphene, APEX 8, 055102 -1-4, (2015)
  12. A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, G. D. Sanders, C. J. Stanton, R. Saito: Origin of coherent G-band phonon spectra in single wall carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 91, 045406 (2015). Preprint version: arXiv:1408.0672.
  13. H.-L. Liu, S. Siregar, E. H. Hasdeo, Y. Kumamoto, C.-C. Shen, C.-C. Cheng, L.-J. Li, R. Saito, S. Kawata: Deep-ultraviolet Raman scattering studies of monolayer graphene thin films, Carbon 81, 807-813 (2015).
  14. E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, M. S. Dresselhaus: Breit-Wigner-Fano lineshapes in Raman spectra of graphene, Phys. Rev. B 90, 245140 (2014). Preprint version: arXiv:1406.4226.
  15. E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, R. Saito, M. S. Dresselhaus: Origin of electronic Raman scattering and the Fano resonance in metallic carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 88, 115107 (2013) . Preprint version: arXiv:1301.7585.
  16. A. R. T. Nugraha, E. Rosenthal, E. H. Hasdeo, G. D. Sanders C. J. Stanton, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito: Excitonic effects on coherent phonon dynamics in single wall carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 88, 075440 (2013). Preprint version: arXiv:1305.1424. ★ Note: Figure 2 of this paper is selected as one of the PRB Kaleidoscope images for August 2013.
  17. E. H. Hasdeo, M. Nurhuda, Abdurrouf: The Optical Low-Pass Filter Gain of a Ring Cavity, IJBAS-IJENS Vol.12 No. 01, 63-68 (2012).

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