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Vertical Compositions

The cvert function makes a vertical composition. Each component of the vector is centered in a column. The baseline of the result is by default the top line of the resulting composition. For example, `f(cvert([a, bb, ccc]), cvert([a^2 + 1, b^2]))' formats in Big mode as

f( a ,  2    )
  bb   a  + 1
  ccc     2

There are several special composition functions that work only as components of a vertical composition. The cbase function controls the baseline of the vertical composition; the baseline will be the same as the baseline of whatever component is enclosed in cbase. Thus `f(cvert([a, cbase(bb), ccc]), cvert([a^2 + 1, cbase(b^2)]))' displays as

       a  + 1
   a      2
f(bb ,   b   )

There are also ctbase and cbbase functions which make the baseline of the vertical composition equal to the top or bottom line (rather than the baseline) of that component. Thus `cvert([cbase(a / b)]) + cvert([ctbase(a / b)]) + cvert([cbbase(a / b)])' gives

a       -
- + a + b
b   -

There should be only one cbase, ctbase, or cbbase function in a given vertical composition. These functions can also be written with no arguments: `ctbase()' is a zero-height object which means the baseline is the top line of the following item, and `cbbase()' means the baseline is the bottom line of the preceding item.

The crule function builds a "rule," or horizontal line, across a vertical composition. By itself `crule()' uses `-' characters to build the rule. You can specify any other character, e.g., `crule("=")'. The argument must be a character code or vector of exactly one character code. It is repeated to match the width of the widest item in the stack. For example, a quotient with a thick line is `cvert([a + 1, cbase(crule("=")), b^2])':

a + 1

Finally, the functions clvert and crvert act exactly like cvert except that the items are left- or right-justified in the stack. Thus `clvert([a, bb, ccc]) + crvert([a, bb, ccc])' gives:

a   +   a
bb     bb
ccc   ccc

Like choriz, the vertical compositions accept a second argument which gives the precedence to use when formatting the components. Vertical compositions do not support separator strings.

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