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D-5: There are many programs written for GNU Emacs and Nemacs. Which

 ones work and Which ones do not work in Mule?

name version notes auctex 6.1d, 7.1p cmutex 2.03 GNUS 3.13, 3.14.1,

      	3.15  		Bundled with GNU Emacs 19.x.
      			All function names and variable names
      			are changed to lowercases, so your
      			hooks should be modified, too.

ispell 2.1? included in ispell 3.0.5 mh-e 3.8 SKK 6.7 or later only 6.7 or later Supercite 2.3 See FAQ E-3 to use Japanese vm 5.32, 5.33

name version notes boiled-egg 3.10 included in mule/contrib canna EGG 3.05 included in the distribution of Mule diclookup included in mule/contrib guess-coding included in mule/contrib keisen Masui version, included in mule/contrib keisen Mie University version mh-search included in mule/contrib sj3-egg 1.6 jam-zcat 1.42

name version note ange-ftp 4.20 works if patched (c.f. D-2) x-sb-mouse 1.4(92-05-23) works if patched

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