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Common Variables

Specifies the name of the host running the NNTP server. The variable is initialized from the NNTPSERVER environment variable. If the server name is preceded by a colon such as `:Mail', the user's private directory `~/Mail' is used as a news spool. See section NNTP Server, and see section Reading a Private Directory, for more information.
Specifies a service name of NNTP, usually a string "nntp". In a few instances, it must be the number 119. To use a local news spool of your machine rather than NNTP, set the variable to nil. See section NNTP Service, and see section Using Local News Spool, for more information.
Specifies the domain which is the domain part of your mail address excluding the local host name of your machine. The environment variable DOMAINNAME is used instead if defined. If the function system-name returns the full Internet name, there is no need to define the domain. See section Domain and Organization, for more information.
Specifies the organization you belong to. The environment variable ORGANIZATION is used instead if defined. If the value begins with a slash, it is taken as the name of a file whose contents are read for the value. See section Domain and Organization, for more information.
Non-nil means the local host name of your machine will not appear in the `From:' field of article headers. If the variable is a string, it is used as your domain instead of the definition by the variable gnus-your-domain or the environment variable DOMAINNAME. See section GENERICFROM, for more information.
Non-nil means the NNTP server name will not appear in the `Path:' field of article headers. If the variable is a string, it is used in the `Path:' field as the NNTP server name instead of the definition by the variable gnus-nntp-server. See section GENERICPATH, for more information.
Specifies a startup file of the Bnews system, usually `.newsrc'. If there is a file named `.newsrc-server', it is used instead when talking to server. See section Startup File, for more information.
Specifies a signature file of the Bnews system, usually `.signature'. If there is a file named `.signature-distribution', it is used instead when posting an article in distribution. Set the variable to nil to prevent appending the signature file automatically.
Specifies what to do with cross references (`Xref:' field). If it is nil, cross references are ignored. If it is t, articles in subscribed newsgroups are only marked as read. Otherwise, if it is not nil nor t, articles in all newsgroups are marked as read.
Specifies what to do with `Followup-To:' field. If it is nil, its value is ignored. If it is non-nil, its value is used as followup newsgroups. Especially, if it is t and you are going to followup to an article in which poster is specified, your confirmation is required.
Non-nil means to take up the entire screen of Emacs. If the variable is nil, the windows used by GNUS will be restricted to the bounds of the original window. This is very useful if you want to read articles while you do other work in other windows.
Specifies the configuration of the Group Mode window, the Subject Mode window, and the Article Mode window. The window configuration can be specified for each action of GNUS (e.g. selecting a newsgroup or selecting an article). This is quite useful if you are using a slow terminal since the update of Emacs windows can be minimized by displaying these three windows same time. The variable must be a list of `(action (g s a))', where action is an action being performed, and g, s, and a are the relative heights of the Group Mode window, the Subject Mode window, and the Article Mode window, respectively. Action is `SelectNewsgroup', `ExitNewsgroup', `SelectArticle', or `ExpandSubject'. The following example is the default window configuration:
(setq gnus-window-configuration
      '((SelectNewsgroup (0 1 0))
        (ExitNewsgroup   (1 0 0))
        (SelectArticle   (0 3 10))
        (ExpandSubject   (0 1 0))))
The following is an example of yet another two windows mode. Article buffer is always displayed on a screen. This is useful on a slow terminal.
(setq gnus-window-configuration
      '((SelectNewsgroup (0 1 0))
        (ExitNewsgroup   (1 0 3))
        (SelectArticle   (0 1 3))
        (ExpandSubject   (0 1 0))))
The following is an example of three windows mode. Three buffers are always displayed on a screen. This is also useful on a slow terminal.
(setq gnus-window-configuration
      '((SelectNewsgroup (1 4 0))
        (ExitNewsgroup   (1 1 3))
        (SelectArticle   (1 1 3))
        (ExpandSubject   (1 4 0))))
Specifies the number of the articles which indicates a large newsgroup. If the number of articles in a newsgroup is greater than this value, the number of articles to be selected is asked for. If the given value n is positive, the last n articles are selected. If n is negative, the first n articles are selected. An empty string means to select all articles.
Specifies a file name saving a copy of an article posted using `FCC:' field. The variable is initialized from the AUTHORCOPY environment variable. The specified file name is inserted in `FCC:' field, so you have a chance to change the file name or disable saving a copy by editing this field. If the first character of the value is not `|', the article is saved to the specified file using the function specified by the variable gnus-author-copy-saver. The default function rmail-output saves in Unix mailbox format. Instead, if the first character is `|', the contents of the article is send to a program specified by the rest of the value. For example, articles can be saved in an MH folder by the following:
(setq gnus-author-copy 
      "|/usr/local/lib/mh/rcvstore +Article")
Specifies a function to save an author copy to. The function is called with a file name to save a copy to. The default function rmail-output saves in Unix mailbox format.
Non-nil means that a newsgroup name is used as a default file name to save articles to. If it is nil, the directory form of a newsgroup name is used instead. It is set to nil by default if the variable system-type is either `usg-unix-v' or `xenix'.
Specifies a function generating a file name to save articles to. The function is called with newsgroup, headers, and optional last-name. Newsgroup is a string representing the current newsgroup name. Headers is a vector containing headers of the current article. Macros and functions accessing contents of the headers are defined as nntp-header-field and gnus-header-field, respectively. The following functions are provided as file name generators by default:
Return a file name like `news.group/number' or `news/group/number' according to the variable gnus-use-long-file-name.
Return a file name like `News.group/number' or `news/group/number' according to the variable gnus-use-long-file-name.
Return a file name like `news.group' or `news/group/news' according to the variable gnus-use-long-file-name.
Return a file name like `News.group' or `news/group/news' according to the variable gnus-use-long-file-name.
Return a folder name like `+news.group' or `+news/group' according to the variable gnus-use-long-file-name.
Return a folder name like `+News.group' or `+news/group' according to the variable gnus-use-long-file-name.
Specifies a function to save articles in your favorite format using the command gnus-Subject-save-article. The function must be interactively funcallable. In other words, it must be an Emacs command. The functions currently provided are as follows:
Save articles in Unix mailbox format.
Save articles in Rmail format.
Save articles in an MH folder.
Save articles in article format.
Specifies a directory name to save articles in using the commands gnus-Subject-save-in-mail, gnus-Subject-save-in-rmail, and gnus-Subject-save-in-file. The variable is initialized from the SAVEDIR environment variable. Its default value is `~/News'.
Specifies a file name of KILL file (see section KILL File). Its default value is `KILL'.
Specifies a distribution inserted automatically when no distribution is specified.
Non-nil means you are a novice to USENET. If it is non-nil, verbose messages may be displayed or your confirmations may be required.
Non-nil means that newsgroup, subject, and distribution are asked for interactively when composing a new article.
Specifies your login name. The login name is got from the USER and LOGNAME environment variables and the function user-login-name, if undefined.
Specifies your full name. The full name is got from the NAME environment variable and the function user-full-name, if undefined.
Non-nil means all headers of an article are shown.
Non-nil means all headers of an article are saved in a file.
Non-nil means conversation threads are displayed in a tree structured form according to references in Subject Mode.
Non-nil means subjects of lower level threads are hidden if the thread-based reading is turned on.
Non-nil means thread subtrees are hidden initially. If thread subtrees are hidden, you have to run the command gnus-Subject-show-thread by hand or by using gnus-Select-article-hook to show them.
Non-nil means killed thread subtrees are hidden automatically.
Non-nil means subject differences are ignored but only references are taken into account in constructing threads trees. If it is non-nil and thread subtrees are hidden, some commands work with subjects may not work properly.
Specifies indentation level of thread subtrees.
Non-nil means visible articles are automatically extended to forward and backward if possible when the commands N and P (gnus-Subject-next-article and gnus-Subject-prev-article) are executed in Subject Mode.
Non-nil means the first unread article is selected automatically when a newsgroup is selected. If you'd like to prevent automatic selection of the first unread article in some newsgroups, set the variable to nil in the hook gnus-Select-group-hook or gnus-Apply-kill-hook (see section Function Hooks).
Non-nil means the next newsgroup is selected automatically at the end of the newsgroup. If the value is t and the next newsgroup is empty (no unread articles), GNUS will exit Subject Mode and go back to Group Mode. If the value is neither nil nor t, GNUS won't exit Subject Mode but will select the following unread newsgroup. If the value is `quietly', the next unread newsgroup will be selected without any confirmations.
Non-nil means an article with the same subject as the current article is selected automatically like `rn -S'.
Non-nil means that the cursor is always kept centered in the Subject Mode window.
Non-nil means an article is broken into pages at page delimiters. The page delimiter is specified by the variable gnus-page-delimiter. This may not work with some versions of GNU Emacs earlier than version 18.50.
Specifies regexp describing line-beginnings that separate pages of articles. Its default value is "^\^L".
Non-nil means that a summary of digest messages is shown when reading a digest article using the command gnus-Subject-rmail-digest.
Specifies a regexp which separates messages in a digest article. Changes to this variable only affect the commands gnus-Subject-next-digest and gnus-Subject-prev-digest, but not the command gnus-Subject-rmail-digest.
Specifies a function which generates an optional string displayed in the Subject buffer. The function is called with an article headers, and must return a string excluding `[' and `]'. Headers is a vector containing headers of the current article. Macros and functions accessing contents of the headers are defined as nntp-header-field and gnus-header-field, respectively. GNUS provides two functions as follows:
Return a string like "nnn:author", where nnn is the number of lines in an article and author is the name of the author.
Return a string like "nnn", where nnn is the number of lines in an article.
See section Function Hooks, to change optional headers according to selected newsgroups.
Specifies a directory where the GNUS Info file is placed. It is not necessary to change this variable unless you install an Info file in a directory different from the variable Info-directory. See section Texinfo Manual, for more information.
Specifies a function to begin composing reply mail messages. The function will be called with an optional argument which means yank original article automatically if non-nil. To use Mail Mode, set the variable to gnus-mail-reply-using-mail. To use mh-e letter Mode, set the variable to gnus-mail-reply-using-mhe.
Specifies a function to begin composing mail messages in other window. To use Mail Mode, set the variable to gnus-mail-other-window-using-mail. To use mh-e letter Mode, set the variable to gnus-mail-other-window-using-mhe.
Specifies a function called with a newsgroup name when a new newsgroup is found. The following default definition adds new newsgroup at the beginning of newsgroups:
(setq gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-method
      '(lambda (newsgroup)
         (gnus-subscribe-newsgroup newsgroup
                                   (car (car gnus-newsrc-assoc)))))
Instead, if you want to add new newsgroup at the end of newsgroups, use the following:
(setq gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-method
      '(lambda (newsgroup)
         (gnus-subscribe-newsgroup newsgroup nil)))
If you want to prevent adding new newsgroups automatically and want to subscribe them later using the command U (gnus-Group-unsubscribe-group) in the Newsgroup buffer, use the following:
(setq gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-method
      '(lambda (newsgroup) nil))        ;Do nothing.
The following final example must be the most useful for you who want not to add new newsgroups automatically. This definition subscribes a new newsgroup first, and then kills it. The killed newsgroups can be added to the subscription list interactively using Browse-Killed Mode (see section Maintaining Newsgroups).
(setq gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-method
      '(lambda (newsgroup)
         (gnus-subscribe-newsgroup newsgroup)
         (gnus-kill-newsgroup newsgroup)))

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