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Timezone item

A timezone item specifies an international timezone, indicated by a small set of letters. Any included period is ignored. Military timezone designations use a single letter. Currently, only integral zone hours may be represented in a timezone item. See the previous section for a finer control over the timezone correction.

Here are many non-daylight-savings-time timezones, indexed by the zone hour value.

`GMT' for Greenwich Mean, `UT' or `UTC' for Universal (Coordinated), `WET' for Western European and `Z' for militaries.
`WAT' for West Africa and `A' for militaries.
`AT' for Azores and `B' for militaries.
`C' for militaries.
`AST' for Atlantic Standard and `D' for militaries.
`E' for militaries and `EST' for Eastern Standard.
`CST' for Central Standard and `F' for militaries.
`G' for militaries and `MST' for Mountain Standard.
`H' for militaries and `PST' for Pacific Standard.
`I' for militaries and `YST' for Yukon Standard.
`AHST' for Alaska-Hawaii Standard, `CAT' for Central Alaska, `HST' for Hawaii Standard and `K' for militaries.
`L' for militaries and `NT' for Nome.
`IDLW' for International Date Line West and `M' for militaries.
`CET' for Central European, `FWT' for French Winter, `MET' for Middle European, `MEWT' for Middle European Winter, `N' for militaries and `SWT' for Swedish Winter.
`EET' for Eastern European, USSR Zone 1 and `O' for militaries.
`BT' for Baghdad, USSR Zone 2 and `P' for militaries.
`Q' for militaries and `ZP4' for USSR Zone 3.
`R' for militaries and `ZP5' for USSR Zone 4.
`S' for militaries and `ZP6' for USSR Zone 5.
`T' for militaries and `WAST' for West Australian Standard.
`CCT' for China Coast, USSR Zone 7 and `U' for militaries.
`JST' for Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8 and `V' for militaries.
`EAST' for East Australian Standard, `GST' for Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9 and `W' for militaries.
`X' for militaries.
`IDLE' for International Date Line East, `NZST' for New Zealand Standard, `NZT' for New Zealand and `Y' for militaries.

Here are many DST timezones, indexed by the zone hour value. Also, by following a non-DST timezone by the string `DST' in a separate word (that is, separated by some whitespace), the corresponding DST timezone may be specified.

`BST' for British Summer.
`ADT' for Atlantic Daylight.
`EDT' for Eastern Daylight.
`CDT' for Central Daylight.
`MDT' for Mountain Daylight.
`PDT' for Pacific Daylight.
`YDT' for Yukon Daylight.
`HDT' for Hawaii Daylight.
`MEST' for Middle European Summer, `MESZ' for Middle European Summer, `SST' for Swedish Summer and `FST' for French Summer.
`WADT' for West Australian Daylight.
`EADT' for Eastern Australian Daylight.
`NZDT' for New Zealand Daylight.

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