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Updating Files in an Archive

(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)

While the `--append' (`-r') option is useful for updating files in an archive, to keep an archive current with `--append' (`-r') you must first use the `--compare' (`-d') or `--list' (`-t') options to determine what files have been changed (or be willing to waste space by adding identical copies of archived files to the ends of archives). It is simpler to use the `--update' (`-u') operation, and let tar do the work for you.

The `--update' (`-u') option causes tar to add files to the end of an archive, just like the `--append' (`-r') option. When you invoke tar with the `--update' (`-u') option specified you must specify file name arguments. Unlike `--append' (`-r'), the `--update' (`-u') option causes tar to check the archive to be updated to see if the specified file is already stored. If the file (or one with the same name) is already in the archive, tar checks the modification date of the file in the archive and compares it to the file of the same name in the file system. The file is only appended to the archive if it is new or if its modification date has changed to a later one.

FIXME: xref After-Date

To see the `--update' (`-u') option at work, create a new file, `classical', in your practice directory, and add a line to the file `blues', using any text editor. Then invoke tar with the `--update' (`-u') operation and the `--verbose' (`-v') option specified, using the names of all the files in the practice directory as file name arguments:

% tar --update --verbose --file=records blues folk rock classical

Because we have specified verbose mode, tar prints out the names of the files it is working on, which in this case are the names of the files that needed to be updated. If you now invoke tar with the `--list' (`-t') operation specified, to generate a listing of the files in the archive, you will see that `blues' and `classical' have been added to its end.

[The reason tar does not overwrite the older file when updating it is because writing to the middle of a section of tape is a difficult process. Tapes are not designed to go backward. Even if they were, imagine what would happen if the newer version were longer than the older one.]

To keep archive members up to date with their counterparts of the same name in the file system, use the `--update' (`-u') option. This adds a specified file to an archive if no file of that name is already stored in the archive. If there is already an archive member with the same name, tar checks the modification date of the archive member, and adds the file only if its modification date is later. If a file is stored in the archive but no longer exists under the same name in the active file system, tar reports an error.

You could use the `--append' (`-r') option to keep an archive current, but do so you would either have to use the `--compare' (`-d') and `--list' (`-t') options to determine what files needed to be re-archived (which could waste a lot of time), or you would have to be willing to add identical copies of already archived files to the archive (which could waste a lot of space).

You must use file name arguments with the `--update' (`-u') operation--if you don't specify any files, tar won't act on any files.

To see the `--update' (`-u') option at work, create a new file, `~/practice/classical', and modify the file `~/practice/blues' (you can use a text editor, such as Emacs, to do both these things). Then, with `practice' as your working directory, invoke tar with the `--update' (`-u') option, using the names of all the files in the practice directory as file name arguments, and specifying the `--verbose' (`-v') option:

% tar --update --verbose --file=records blues folk rock classical

Because you specified verbose mode, tar printed out the names of the files it acted on. If you now list the archive members of the archive, (`tar --list --file=records'), you will see that the file `classical' and another version of the file `blues' have been added to `records'.

Note: When you update an archive, tar does not overwrite old archive members when it stores newer versions of a file. This is because archive members appear in an archive in the order in which they are stored, and some archive devices do not allow writing in the middle of an archive.

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