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Basic tar Operations

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This chapter describes the basic operations supported by the tar program. A given invocation of tar will do exactly one of these operations.

An archive member in normally extracted into a file with the same name as the archive member. However, you can use the `--to-stdout' (`-O') to cause tar to write extracted archive members to standard output. If you extract multiple members, they appear on standard output concatenated, in the order they are found in the archive.

The `--create' (`-c') operation writes a new archive, and the `--extract' (`-x') operation reads files from an archive and writes them into the file system. You can use other tar operations to write new information into an existing archive (adding files to it, adding another archive to it, or deleting files from it), and you can read a list of the files in an archive without extracting it using the `--list' (`-t') operation.

The primary argument to tar is the operation, which specifies what tar does. tar can be used to:

FIXME: xref Reading and Writing
, for more information about these operations.

Option arguments to tar change details of the operation, such as archive format, archive name, or level of user interaction. You can specify more than one option. All options are optional.

File Name arguments specify which files (including directory files) to archive, extract, delete or otherwise operate on.

If you don't use any file name arguments, `--append' (`-r'), `--update' (`-u') and `--delete' will do nothing. The other operations of tar will act on defaults.

When you use a file name argument to specify a directory file, tar acts on all the files in that directory, including sub-directories.

You must give exactly one option from the following list to tar. This option specifies the basic operation for tar to perform.

Create a new archive

Add the contents of one or more archives to another archive

Add files to an existing archive

List the members in an archive

Delete members from an archive

Extract members from an archive

Compare members in an archive with files in the file system

Update an archive by appending newer versions of already stored files

The remaining options to tar change details of the operation, such as archive format, archive name, or level of user interaction. You can specify more than one option.

The remaining arguments are interpreted either as file names or as member names, depending on the basic operation tar is performing. For `--append' (`-r') and `--create' (`-c') these arguments specify the names of files (which must already exist) to place in the archive. For the remaining operation types, the additional arguments specify archive members to compare, delete, extract, list, or update. When naming archive members, you must give the exact name of the member in the archive, as it is printed by `--list' (`-t'). When naming files, the normal file name rules apply.

If you don't use any additional arguments, `--append' (`-r'), `--concatenate' (`-A'), and `--delete' will do nothing. Naturally, `--create' (`-c') will make an empty archive if given no files to add. The other operations of tar (`--list' (`-t'), `--extract' (`-x'), `--compare' (`-d'), and `--update' (`-u')) will act on the entire contents of the archive.

If you give the name of a directory as either a file name or a member name, then tar acts recursively on all the files and directories beneath that directory. For example, the name `/' identifies all the files in the filesystem to tar.

The operation argument to tar specifies which action you want to take.

Adds copies of an archive or archives to the end of another archive.

Creates a new archive.

Compares files in the archive with their counterparts in the file system, and reports differences in file size, mode, owner, modification date and contents.

Adds files to the end of the archive.

Prints a list of the contents of the archive.

Reads files from the archive and writes them into the active file system.

Adds files to the end of the archive, but only if they are newer than their counterparts already in the archive, or if they do not already exist in the archive.

Adds copies of an archive or archives to the end of another archive.

Adds files to the end of the archive.

Adds files to the end of the archive.

Adds copies of an archive or archives to the end of another archive.

Compares files in the archive with their counterparts in the file system, and reports differences in file size, mode, owner, modification date and contents.

Adds copies of an archive or archives to the end of another archive.

Creates a new archive.

Deletes files from the archive. All versions of the files are deleted.

Compares files in the archive with their counterparts in the file system, and reports differences in file size, mode, owner, modification date and contents.

Reads files from the archive and writes them into the active file system.

Reads files from the archive and writes them into the active file system.

Prints a list of the contents of the archive.

Adds files to the end of the archive, but only if they are newer than their counterparts already in the archive, or if they do not already exist in the archive.

Prints the version number of the tar program to the standard error.

The program tar can create an archive, extract files from an archive, modify an archive, or list an archive's contents. Each time you run tar, you must give a command to specify which one of these things you want to do.

The command must always be in the first argument to tar. This argument can also contain options (

FIXME: pxref Invoking tar
). For compatibility with Unix tar, the first argument is always treated as containing command and option letters even if it doesn't start with `-'. Thus, `tar c' is equivalent to `tar -c': both of them specify the `--create' (`-c') command to create an archive.

In addition, a set of long-named options are provided which can be used instead of or intermixed with the single-letter flags. The long-named options are meant to be easy to remember and logical, while the single letter flags may not always be. Long-named options begin with `--'.

Arguments after the first are either options, if they start with `-' or `--', or files to operate on.

The file names that you give as arguments are the files that tar will act on--for example, they are the files to put in the archive, or the files to extract from it. If you don't give any file name arguments, the default depends on which command you used. Some commands use all relevant files; some commands have no default and will report an error if you don't specify files.

If a file name argument actually names a directory, then that directory and all files and subdirectories (recursively) in it are used.

Here is a list of the tar commands:

Create a new archive.

This command tells tar to create a new archive that contains the file(s) specified on the command line. If you don't specify files, all the files in the current directory are used.

If the archive file already exists, it is overwritten; the old contents are lost.

Extract files from an archive.

This command causes tar to extract the specified files from the archive. If no file names are given, all the files in the archive will be extracted.

List the contents of an archive.

This command causes tar to display a list of the files in the archive. If you specify file names, only the files that you specify will be mentioned (but each of them is mentioned only if it appears in the archive).

Find differences between an archive and the corresponding online files.

This command causes tar to compare the archive with the files in the file system. It will report differences in file size, mode, owner, and contents. If a file exists in the archive, but not in the file system, tar will report this.

If you specify file names, those files are compared with the tape and they must all exist in the archive. If you don't specify files, all the files in the archive are compared.

Append files to the end of an archive.

This command causes tar to add the specified file(s) to the end of the archive. This assumes that the archive file already exists and is in the proper format (which probably means it was created previously with the tar program). If the archive is not in a format that tar understands, the results will be unpredictable.

You must specify the files to be used; there is no default.

Only append files newer than the version in an archive.

This command causes tar to add the specified files to the end of the archive, like `--append' (`-r'), but only when a file doesn't already exist in the archive or is newer than the version in the archive (the last-modification time is compared). Adding files to the end of an archive can be very slow.

You must specify the files to be used; there is no default.

Append existing archives to another archive.

This command is used for concatenating several archive files into one big archive file. The files to operate on should all be archive files. They are all appended to the end of the archive file which tar works on. (The other files are not changed).

You might be tempted to use cat for this, but it won't ordinarily work. A tar archive contains data which indicates the end of the archive, so appended material is ignored. This command works because it removes the end-of-archive markers from the middle of the result.

Delete from the archive (not on tapes!).

This command causes tar to delete the specified files from the archive. This command is extremely slow. Warning: Use of this command on archives stored on magnetic tape may result in a scrambled archive. There is no safe way (except for completely re-writing the archive) to delete files from a magnetic tape.

The program tar can create an archive, extract files from an archive, modify an archive, or list an archive's contents. Each time you run tar, you must give a command to specify which one of these things you want to do.

The command must always be in the first argument to tar. This argument can also contain options (

FIXME: pxref Invoking tar
). For compatibility with Unix tar, the first argument is always treated as containing command and option letters even if it doesn't start with `-'. Thus, `tar c' is equivalent to `tar -c': both of them specify the `--create' (`-c') command to create an archive.

In addition, a set of long-named options are provided which can be used instead of or intermixed with the single-letter flags. The long-named options are meant to be easy to remember and logical, while the single letter flags may not always be. Long-named options begin with `--'.

Arguments after the first are either options, if they start with `-' or `--', or files to operate on.

The file names that you give as arguments are the files that tar will act on--for example, they are the files to put in the archive, or the files to extract from it. If you don't give any file name arguments, the default depends on which command you used. Some commands use all relevant files; some commands have no default and will report an error if you don't specify files.

If a file name argument actually names a directory, then that directory and all files and subdirectories (recursively) in it are used.

Modifying Archives

Once an archive is created, you can add new archive members to it, add the contents of another archive, add newer versions of members already stored, or delete archive members already stored.

To find out what files are already stored in an archive, use `tar --list --file=archive-name'.

FIXME: xref Listing Contents

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