GaussView Preferences

Default settings for many GaussView features can be customized via the preferences, which are reached with the File=>Preferences menu path. The following preferences are available

Most of these items have been discussed previously and are often identical to the corresponding GaussView dialogs to which they pertain. The following subsections will describe the Clean Controls, Color, File/Directory, Icons, Job Setup and Window Placement preferences.

All of the preferences dialogs contain several buttons: Ok (save current settings and exit), Cancel (exit and discard unsaved changes), Default (restore GaussView's installation settings) and Help (obtain online help). When you use the Default button, the dialog in Figure 71 will appear.

Figure 71. Restoring Default Preferences
When you select the Defaults button, you are given the choice of restoring all default preferences or only the ones pertaining to the current preferences dialog.

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