ABINIT, file handling input variables:
Complete list and description.
This document lists and provides the description
of the name (keywords) of "file handling" input
variables to be used in the main input file of the abinis code.
The new user is advised to read first the
new user's guide,
before reading the present file. It will be easier to discover the
present file with the help of the tutorial.
When the user is sufficiently familiarized with ABINIT, the reading of the
~ABINIT/Infos/tuning file might be useful. For response-function calculations using
abinis, the complementary file ~ABINIT/Infos/respfn_help is needed.
Copyright (C) 1998-2004 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, RC)
This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see
~ABINIT/Infos/copyright or
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
For the initials of contributors, see ~ABINIT/Infos/contributors .
Goto :
ABINIT home Page
Suggested acknowledgments
List of input variables
Tutorial home page
Help files :
New user's guide
Abinis (main)
Abinis (respfn)
AIM (Bader)
Files that describe other input variables:
- Basic variables, VARBAS
- Developper variables, VARDEV
- Geometry builder + symmetry related variables, VARGEO
- Ground-state calculation variables, VARGS
- GW variables, VARGW
- Internal variables, VARINT
- Parallelisation variables, VARPAR
- Projector-Augmented Wave variables, VARPAW
- Response Function variables, VARRF
- Structure optimization variables, VARRLX
Content of the file : alphabetical list of "file handling" variables.
Mnemonics: Chemical Markup Language FILE
Characteristic: NO INTERNAL
Variable type: character string
Default is no file.
Used to import some of the data from one or more Chemical Markup Language 2 (CML2) file(s)
(one per dataset). Unlike most of the other input variables, it refers
to a character string, e.g. :
cmlfile ../t67.in_CML.xml
The file is preprocessed, and the relevant information is translated in order
to be used as an alternative to the usual input variables. Note that the input variables
directly defined in the usual input file have precedence over the CML data :
the latter are used only when there is no occurence of the corresponding
keyword in the input file...
The ABINIT CML parser is still quite primitive. The mechanism
followed to parse the CML file is described afterwards.
The ABINIT CML parser will localize in the CML file the first occurence
of a 'molecule' markup section. It will ignore all other occurences of
'molecule'. Inside this 'molecule' section, it will localize the first occurences
of the 'crystal', 'symmetry' and 'atomArray' sections. All other occurences,
and all other sections, are ignored.
The following ABINIT input variables will be extracted from these
sections of the CML file (if the data is available) :
- acell from the first 'scalar title="a"','scalar title="b"',
and 'scalar="c"' sections (all three must be present if one is present)
in the 'crystal' section, expecting the
data in Angstrom;
- angdeg from the first 'scalar title="alpha"','scalar title="beta"',
and 'scalar title="gamma"' sections (all three must be present if one is present)
in the 'crystal' section, expecting the
data in degrees;
- nsym,
symrel and tnons from
the content of 'matrix' sections in the 'symmetry' section;
- natom from the number of items in the first
'atom' sections in the 'atomArray' section;
- typat from the attribute 'elementType' in the
'atom' sections in the 'atomArray' section, with identification
of the pseudopotentials that have the correct nuclear charge, according to the atomic symbol
(the first pseudopotential with the correct nuclear charge, from the pseudopotential list, will be used);
- xred from the attributes 'xFract', 'yFract', and 'zFract'
(all three must be present if one is present) in the 'atom' sections
in the 'atomArray' section.
These limited parsing capabilities are enough for ABINIT to read the CML files it has created
thanks to the use of the prtcml input variable.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET the DENsity from ...
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Eventually used when ndtset>0
(multi-dataset mode) and, in the case of a ground-state
calculation, if iscf<0 (non-SCF calculation),
to indicate that the starting density is to be taken
from the output of a previous dataset.
It is used to chain the calculations,
since it describes from which dataset the OUTPUT density
are to be taken, as INPUT density of the present dataset.
If getden==0, no such use of previously computed output
density file is done.
If getden is positive, its value gives the index of the dataset
from which the output density is to be used as input.
If getden is -1, the output density of the previous dataset
must be taken, which is a frequently occuring case.
If getden is a negative number, it indicates the number
of datasets to go backward to find the needed file.
In this case, if one refers to a non existant data set (prior
to the first), the density is not initialised from
a disk file, so that it is as if getden=0 for that
Thanks to this rule, the use of getden -1 is rather
straightforward : except for the first density, that
is not initialized by reading a disk file, the output
density of one dataset is input of the next one.
Be careful : the output density file of a run with
non-zero ionmov does not have the proper name (it has a "TIM"
indication) for use as an input of an iscf<0 calculation.
One should use the output density of a ionmov==0 run.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET Kohn-Sham Structure from ...
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Used when ndtset>0
(multi-dataset mode) and optdriver=3 or 4
(a GW calculation),
to indicate that the KSS wavefunction file is to be taken
from the output of a previous dataset.
It is used to chain the calculations,
since it describes from which dataset the OUTPUT wavefunctions
are to be taken, as INPUT of the present dataset.
If getkss==0, no such use of previously computed output
KSS file is done.
If getkss is positive, its value gives the index of the dataset
from which the output KSS file is to be used as input.
If getkss is -1, the output KSS file of the previous dataset
must be taken, which is a frequently occuring case.
If getkss is a negative number, it indicates the number
of datasets to go backward to find the needed file.
In this case, if one refers to a non existent data set (prior
to the first), the KSS file is not initialised from
a disk file, so that it is as if getkss=0 for that
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET OCC parameters from ...
Variable type: integer parameter, an instance of a 'get' variable
Default is 0.
This variable is typically used to chain the calculations,
in the multi-dataset mode (ndtset>0),
since it describes from which dataset the array occ
is to be taken, as input of the present
dataset. The occupation numbers are EVOLVING variables,
for which such a chain of calculations is useful.
If ==0, no use of previously computed values must occur.
If it is positive, its value gives the index of the dataset
from which the data are to be used as input data.
It must be the index of a dataset already computed in the
SAME run.
If equal to -1, the output data of the previous dataset
must be taken, which is a frequently occuring case.
However, if the first dataset is treated, -1 is equivalent
to 0, since no dataset has yet been computed in the same run.
If another negative number, it indicates the number
of datasets to go backward to find the needed data
(once again, going back beyond the first dataset is equivalent
to using a null get variable).
NOTE that a non-zero getocc MUST be used with occopt==2,
so that the number of bands has to be initialized for
each k point. Of course, these numbers of bands must be
identical with the numbers of bands of the dataset from which
occ will be copied. The same is true for the number of k points.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET SCReening (the inverse dielectric matrix) from ...
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Used when ndtset>0
(multi-dataset mode) and optdriver=4
(sigma step of a GW calculation),
to indicate that the dielectric matrix (EPS file) is to be taken
from the output of a previous dataset.
It is used to chain the calculations,
since it describes from which dataset the OUTPUT dielectric matrix
are to be taken, as INPUT of the present dataset.
If getscr==0, no such use of previously computed output
EPS file is done.
If getscr is positive, its value gives the index of the dataset
from which the output EPS file is to be used as input.
If getscr is -1, the output EPS file of the previous dataset
must be taken, which is a frequently occuring case.
If getscr is a negative number, it indicates the number
of datasets to go backward to find the needed file.
In this case, if one refers to a non existent data set (prior
to the first), the EPS file is not initialised from
a disk file, so that it is as if getscr=0 for that
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET the wavefunctions from _WFK file
Mnemonics: GET the wavefunctions from _WFQ file
Mnemonics: GET the first-order wavefunctions from _1WF file
Mnemonics: GET the ddk wavefunctions from _1WF file
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Eventually used when ndtset>0
(in the multi-dataset mode), to indicate
starting wavefunctions, as an alternative to irdwfk,
or irdddk. One should first read the
explanations given for these latter variables.
The getwfk, getwfq, get1wf and getddk variables are typically
used to chain the calculations in the multi-dataset mode,
since they describe from which dataset the OUTPUT
wavefunctions are to be taken, as INPUT wavefunctions
of the present dataset.
We now focus on the getwfk input variable (the only
one used in ground-state calculations), but
the rules for getwfq and get1wf are similar, with _WFK
replaced by _WFQ or _1WF.
If getwfk==0, no use of previously computed output
wavefunction file appended with _DSx_WFK is done.
If getwfk is positive, its value gives the index of the dataset
for which the output wavefunction file appended with _WFK
must be used.
If getwfk is -1, the output wf file with _WFK
of the previous dataset must be taken,
which is a frequently occuring case.
If getwfk is a negative number, it indicates the number
of datasets to go backward to find the needed wavefunction file.
In this case, if one refers to a non existent data set (prior
to the first), the wavefunctions are not initialised from
a disk file, so that it is as if getwfk=0 for that
Thanks to this rule, the use of getwfk -1 is rather
straightforward : except for the first wavefunctions, that
are not initialized by reading a disk file, the output
wavefunction of one dataset is input of the next one.
In the case of a ddk calculation in a multidataset
run, in order to compute
correctly the localisation tensor, it is mandatory to
declare give getddk the value of the current dataset
(i.e. getddk3 3 ) - this is a bit strange and
should be changed in the future.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET the wavefunctions from _WFK file, DenSIFied ??
(to be completed)
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: GET the wavefunctions from _WFK file, DenSIFied ??
(to be completed)
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: Integer that governs the ReaDing of KSS file
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Relevant only when optdriver=3 or 4.
Indicate the file from which the dielectric matrix must be obtained.
As alternative, one can use the input variable
When optdriver=3 or 4, at least one of
irdkss or getscr must be non-zero.
A non-zero value of irdkss is treated in the same way
as other "ird" variables,
see the section 4 of abinis_help.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: Integer that governs the ReaDing of EPSilon
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Relevant only when optdriver=4.
Indicate the file from which the dielectric matrix must be obtained.
As alternative, one can use the input variable
When optdriver=4, at least one of
irdscr or getscr must be non-zero.
A non-zero value of irdscr is treated in the same way
as other "ird" variables,
see the section 4 of abinis_help.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: Integer that governs the ReaDing of _WFK files
Mnemonics: Integer that governs the ReaDing of _WFQ files
Mnemonics: Integer that governs the ReaDing of _1WF files
Mnemonics: Integer that governs the ReaDing of DDK wavefunctions,
in _1WF files
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Indicates eventual starting
wavefunctions. As alternative, one can use the
input variables getwfk,
getwfq, get1wf
or getddk.
Ground-state calculation :
- only irdwfk and getwfk have a meaning
- at most one of irdwfk or getwfk can be non-zero
- if irdwfk and getwfk are both zero,
initialize wavefunctions with
random numbers for ground state calculation.
- if irdwfk = 1 : read ground state wavefunctions
from a disk file appended with _WFK , produced in a
previous ground state calculation (see the
section 4 of abinis_help).
Response-function calculation :
- one and only one of irdwfk or getwfk MUST be non-zero
- if irdwfk = 1 : read ground state k -wavefunctions
from a disk file appended with _WFK , produced in a
previous ground state calculation (see the
section 4 of abinis_help).
- only one of irdwfq or getwfq can be non-zero,
if both of them are non-zero,
use as k + q file the one defined by
irdwfk and/or getwfk
- if irdwfq = 1 : read ground state k+q -wavefunctions
from a disk file appended with _WFQ , produced in a
previous ground state calculation (see the
section 4 of abinis_help).
- at most one of ird1wf or get1wf can be non-zero
- if both are zero, initialize first order wavefunctions
to 0's.
- if ird1wf = 1 : read first-order wavefunctions
from a disk file appended with _1WFx , produced in a
previous response function calculation (see the
section 4 of abinis_help).
- at most one of irdddk or getddk can be non-zero
- one of them must be non-zero if an homogeneous
electric field calculation is done
(presently, a ddk calculation in the same dataset
is not allowed)
- if irdddk = 1 : read first-order ddk wavefunctions
from a disk file appended with _1WFx , produced in a
previous response function calculation (see the
section 4 of abinis_help).
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: Kohn Sham Structure file FORMat
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 1, i.e. the KSS format
Governs the choice of the format for the file that
contains the Kohn-Sham electronic structure information,
for use in GW calculations, see the input variables
optdriver and
- (obsolete) kssform=0, the _STA file is generated together with a _VKB
file containing information on the pseudopotential
- kssform=1, a single file .kss (double precision) containing
complete information on the Kohn Sham Structure (eigenstates and the
pseudopotentials used) will be generated through full diagonalization
of the complete Hamiltonian matrix.
The file has at the beginning the standard abinit header
- (obsolete) kssform=2, the same as 1, but most of the relevant informations
are in single precision.
- kssform=3, a single file .kss (double precision) containing
complete information on the Kohn Sham Structure (eigenstates and the
pseudopotentials used) will be generated through the usual conjugate gradient
algorithm (so, a restricted number of states)
The file has at the beginning the standard abinit header
Very important : for the time being, istwfk
must be 1 for all the k-points.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: Maximum number of FFt grids in MEMory
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 1, i.e. an in-core solution.
Governs the choice of number of
FFT arrays that will be kept permanently in core memory.
The allowed values are 0, in which case maximal use
is made of disk space, saving core memory at the expense of
execution time (not much, usually),
or 1, in which case everything is kept in core memory.
More detailed explanations : if mffmem==0, some arrays
of size
double precision :: xx(nfft,nsppol)
will be saved
on disk when the wavefunctions are optimized or when
the Hartree and xc potential is computed (which can require
some sizeable memory space also).
The number of these arrays is 10 if iscf==5,
5 if iscf==1, and 4 if iscf==2 or 3.
The saving of memory can
be appreciable especially when iscf==5 and
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: Maximum number of K - points in MEMory
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is nkpt, i.e. in-core solution.
Sets the maximum number of k
points for which the ground state wavefunctions
are kept in core memory at one time.
This value should either be 0, in which case an out-of-core
solution will be used, or else nkpt,
in which case an in-core solution will be used.
Internal representation as mkmems(1)
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT CML file
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set to 1 or a larger value, provide output of geometrical
parameters using CML (the Chemical Markup Language,
see papers by P. Murray-Rust and H. Rzepa, especially
J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 39, 928-942 (1998) and the Web site
Such file can be treated automatically by tools developed
to handle XML formatted files.
Such a CML file contains :
- The crystallographic information (space group number and the needed
unit cell parameters and angles)
- The list of symmetry elements
- The list of atoms in the cell (symbols and reduced coordinates)
If ionmov==0, the name of the CML file will be
the root output name, followed by _CML.xml .
If ionmov==1 or 2, the CML file will be output
at each time step, with the name being made of
- the root output name,
- followed by _TIMx , where
x is related to the timestep (see later)
- then followed by _CML.xml
No output is provided by prtcml lower or equal to 0.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT the DENsity
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set to 1 or a larger value , provide output of electron density
in real space rho(r), in units of electrons/bohr^3.
If ionmov==0, the name of the density file will be
the root output name, followed by _DEN .
If ionmov==1 or 2, density files will be output
at each time step, with the name being made of
- the root output name,
- followed by _TIMx , where
x is related to the timestep (see later)
- then followed by _DEN
The file structure of the unformatted output file is
described below, see section 6).
No output is provided by prtden lower or equal to 0.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT the Density Of States
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Provide output of Density of States if set to 1, 2 or 3.
Can either use a smearing technique (prtdos=1),
or the tetrahedron method (prtdos=2).
If prtdos=3, provide output of Local Density of States inside a sphere centered on an atom,
as well as the angular-momentum projected DOS, in the same sphere. The resolution of the linear grid of energies
for which the DOS is computed can be tuned thanks to dosdeltae.
If prtdos=1, the smeared density of states is obtained
from the eigenvalues, properly weighted at each k point
using wtk, and smeared according to occopt
and tsmear. All levels that are present in the calculation
are taken into account (occupied and unoccupied).
Note that occopt must be between 3 and 7 .
In order to compute the DOS of an insulator with prtdos=1, compute its density thanks to
a self-consistent calculation (with a non-metallic occopt
value, 0, 1 or 2), then use prtdos=1, together
with iscf=-3, and a metallic occopt,
between 3 and 7, providing the needed smearing.
If prtdos=1, the name of the DOS file is the root name for the output
files, followed by "_DOS" .
If prtdos=2, the DOS is computed using the tetrahedron method.
As in the case of prtdos=1, all levels that are present in the calculation
are taken into account (occupied and unoccupied). In this case, the
k-points must have been defined using the input variable ngkpt
or the input variable kptrlatt. There must be at least
two non-equivalent points in the Irreducible Brillouin Zone to use prtdos=2.
There is no need to take care of
the occopt or tsmear input variables,
and there is no subtlety to be taken into account for insulators. The computation
can be done in the self-consistent case as well as in the non-self-consistent case,
using iscf=-3. This allows to refine the DOS at fixed
starting density.
In that case, if ionmov==0, the name of the potential file will be
the root output name, followed by _DOS (like in the prtdos=1 case).
However, if ionmov==1 or 2, potential files will be output
at each time step, with the name being made of
- the root output name,
- followed by _TIMx , where
x is related to the timestep (see later)
- then followed by _DOS.
If prtdos=3, the same tetrahedron method as for prtdos=2 is used, but
the DOS inside a sphere centered on some atom is delivered, as well as the angular-momentum
projected (l=0,1,2,3,4) DOS in the same sphere. The preparation of this
case, the parameters under which the computation is to be done, and the file
denomination is similar
to the prtdos=2 case. However, three additional input variables might be provided,
describing the atoms that are the center of the sphere (input variables
natsph and iatsph), as well as the radius of this
sphere (input variable ratsph).
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT EIGenenergies
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0 or 1 ?????.
(Not yet active)
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT Fermi SURFace file
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set to 1, print Fermi surface file.
For the time being, under development.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics:PRinT the GEOmetry analysis
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set to 1 or a larger value, provide output of geometrical analysis
(bond lengths and bond angles). The value
of prtgeo is taken by the code to be the
maximum coordination number of atoms in the system.
It will deduce a maximum number of "nearest" and "next-nearest"
neighbors accordingly , and compute corresponding bond lengths.
It will compute bond angles for the "nearest" neighbours only.
If ionmov==0, the name of the file will be
the root output name, followed by _GEO .
If ionmov==1 or 2, one file will be output
at each time step, with the name being made of
- the root output name,
- followed by _TIMx , where
x is related to the timestep (see later)
- then followed by _GEO
The content of the file should be rather self-explanatory.
No output is provided by prtgeo is lower than or equal to 0.
If prtgeo>0, the maximum number of atoms (natom) is 9999.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics:PRinT the K-PoinTs sets
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set /= 0 , proceeds to a detailed analysis
of different k point grids. Works only if
kptopt is positive, and neither
ngkpt are defined.
ABINIT will stop after this analysis.
Different sets of k point grids are defined,
with common values of shiftk.
In each set, ABINIT increases the length of vectors of the
supercell (see kptrlatt) by integer
steps. The different sets are labelled by "iset".
For each k point grid, kptrlen
and nkpt are computed (the latter always
invoking kptopt=1, that is, full use of
symmetries). A series is finished when the computed
kptrlen is twice larger than the
input variable kptrlen.
After the examination of the different sets,
ABINIT summarizes, for each nkpt, the
best possible grid, that is, the one with the
largest computed kptrlen.
Note that this analysis is also performed when
prtkpt=0, as soon as neither kptrlatt
ngkpt are defined. But, in this case,
no analysis report is given, and the code selects the grid
with the smaller ngkpt
for the desired kptrlen. However,
this analysis takes some times (well sometimes,
it is only a few seconds - it depends on the value of
the input kptrlen), and it is better
to examine the full analysis for a given cell and set of symmetries,
shiftk for all the production runs.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT the iotal (kohn-sham)POTential
Mnemonics: PRinT V_HArtree
Mnemonics: PRinT V_(Hartree+XC)
Mnemonics: PRinT V_XC
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set >=1 , provide output of different
For prtpot, output the total (Kohn-Sham) potential,
sum of local pseudo-potential, Hartree potential, and xc potential.
For prtvha, output the Hartree potential.
For prtvhxc, output the
sum of Hartree potential and xc potential.
For prtvxc, output the exchange-correlation potential.
If ionmov==0, the name of the potential file will be
the root output name, followed by _POT, _VHA, _VHXC, or _VXC .
If ionmov==1 or 2, potential files will be output
at each time step, with the name being made of
- the root output name,
- followed by _TIMx , where
x is related to the timestep (see later)
- then followed by _POT, _VHA, _VHXC, or _VXC.
The file structure of this unformatted output file is
described in section 6.6 of abinis_help.
No output is provided by a negative value of these variables.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT the STM density
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set to 1 or a larger value, provide output of the electron density
in real space rho(r), made only from the electrons
close to the Fermi energy, in a range of energy (positive or negative), determined
by the (positive or negative, but non-zero) value of the STM bias stmbias.
This is a very approximate way to obtain STM profiles : one can choose an equidensity surface,
and consider that the STM tip will follow this surface. Such equidensity surface might be determined
with the help of Cut3D, and further post-processing of it (to be implemented). The big approximations
of this technique are : neglect of the finite size of the tip, and
position-independent transfer matrix elements
between the tip and the surface.
The charge density is provided in units of electrons/bohr^3.
The name of the STM density file will be the root output name, followed by _STM .
Like a _DEN file, it can be analyzed by cut3d.
The file structure of this unformatted output file is
described in section 6.5 of abinis_help.
For the STM charge density to be generated, one must give, as an input file, the
converged wavefunctions obtained from a previous run, at exactly the same k-points and cut-off energy,
self-consistently determined, using the occupation numbers from occopt=7.
In the run with positive prtstm, one has to use :
Note that you might have to adjust the value of nband
as well, for the treatment of unoccupied states, because the automatic determination
of nband will often not include enough unoccupied
When prtstm is non-zero, the stress tensor is set to zero.
No output of _STM file is provided by prtstm lower or equal to 0.
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| Complete list of input variables
Mnemonics: PRinT VOLume
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
Control the volume of printed output.
Standard choice is 0. Positive values print more in the
output and log files, while negative values are
for debugging (or preprocessing only), and cause
the code to stop at some point.
- 0 => there is a limit on the number of k-points
for which related information will be written. This
limit is presently 50. Due to some subtlety, if for some dataset
prtvol is non-zero, the limit for input and output echoes
cannot be enforced, so it is like if prtvol=1 for the
all the dataset for which prtvol was set to 0.
- 1 => there is no such limit for the input
and output echoes, in the main output file.
- 2 => there is no such limit in the whole main output file.
- 3 => there is no such limit in both output and log files.
- 10 => no limit on the number of k points, and moreover,
the eigenvalues are printed for every SCF iteration,
as well as other additions (to be specified in the future...)
Debugging options :
- = -1 => stop in abinis (main program), before call gstate.
Useful to see the effect of the preprocessing of
input variables (memory needed, effect of symmetries,
k points ...) without going further. Run very fast,
on the order of the second.
- = -3 => stop in gstate, before call scfcv, move or brdmin.
Useful to debug pseudopotentials
- = -4 => stop in move, after completion of all loops
- = -5 => stop in brdmin, after completion of all loops
- = -6 => stop in scfcv, after completion of all loops
- = -7 => stop in vtorho, after the first rho is obtained
- = -8 => stop in vtowfk, after the first k point is treated
- = -9 => stop in cgwf, after the first wf is optimized
- = -10 => stop in getghc, after the Hamiltonian is applied once
This debugging feature is not yet activated in the RF routines.
Note that fftalg offers
another option for debugging.
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Mnemonics: PRinT the WaveFunction
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 1.
If set >=1 , provide output of wavefunction
and eigenvalue file, as described in
section 6.7 of the main abinis help file.
For a standard ground-state calculation, the name of the wavefunction file will be
the root output name, followed by _WFK. If nqpt=1,
the root name will be followed by _WFQ. For response-function calculations,
the root name will be followed by _1WFx, where x is the number of the perturbation.
The dataset information will be added as well, if relevant.
No wavefunction output is provided by prtwf=0.
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PRinT 1-DiMensional potential and density
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0.
If set >= 1, provide one-dimensional projection of
potential and density, for each of the three axis.
This corresponds to averaging the potential
or the density on bi-dimensional slices of the FFT grid.
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New user's guide
Abinis (main)
Abinis (respfn)
AIM (Bader)