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Scrolling Within an Article

Type SPC (gnus-Subject-next-page) to scroll to the next page of the current article. If no article is selected yet, an article near the point is selected and its first page is displayed in the Article buffer. The next unread article is selected automatically if SPC is typed at the end of the message.

Scroll to the next page of the current article (gnus-Subject-next-page). Select it first if no article is selected yet. Select the next unread article automatically at the end of the message.
Scroll to the previous page of the current article (gnus-Subject-prev-page).
Scroll up or down one line of the current article (gnus-Subject-scroll-up).
Move point to the beginning of the current article (gnus-Subject-beginning-of-article).
Move point to the end of the current article (gnus-Subject-end-of-article).
Stop page breaking (gnus-Subject-stop-page-breaking).
Show all headers of the current article (gnus-Subject-show-all-headers).
Show all headers of the current article if pruned header currently shown, or vice versa (gnus-Subject-toggle-header).
C-c C-r
Caesar rotate letters by 13 places and Japanese characters by 47 places (gnus-Subject-caesar-message).
Force to read the current article again (gnus-Subject-show-article).

If the Article buffer is not visible, it is popped up under the Subject buffer when necessary. The height of the Subject buffer and that of the Article buffer can be customized by using the variable gnus-window-configuration.

The command C-c C-r (gnus-Subject-caesar-message) rotates all letters in the message body of the current article by 13 places. Japanese characters are rotated by 47 places. Running the command twice on the same article results the original message.

If the variable gnus-break-pages is non-nil, the message is broken into pages at page delimiters specified by the variable gnus-page-delimiter. The command w (gnus-Subject-stop-page-breaking) temporary suspends page breaks.

The variable gnus-ignored-headers specifies header fields which should be ignored. The command v (gnus-Subject-show-all-headers) shows all headers of the current article, while the command t (gnus-Subject-toggle-header) toggles the headers.

See section Common Variables, and see section Function Hooks, for more information on customization.

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