Capturing Images and Saving Image Files

The Edit=>Capture Image menu path may be used to capture the image in the current view windows to the system clipboard (from which it may be pasted into another application). The File=>Save Image menu item and the Save Image button allow you to save an image to an external file. They use the system Save dialog, with some additional fields as shown in Figure 24.

The Files of type field acts as usual as a filter determining what files are displayed in the file list. The Save as field specifies the kind of graphics file to be produced (by default, this is determined from file extension). The available files types are TIFF, JPEG, vector-based EPS, Windows Bitmap and PNG. In general, we recommend selecting TIFF for later high resolution printing and selecting JPEG or PNG for use on the web or in presentations.

Figure 24. GaussView Fields in the Save Image Dialog
These fields are added to the standard system Save dialog by GaussView.

The other GaussView fields in the dialog have the following meanings

Both the image capture and image saving are subject to the settings in the Image Capture preferences, shown in Figure 25. Printed images are also affected by the Object Quality and Generic Pixel Format settings.

The fields in this panel have the following meanings:

Figure 25. Image Capture Preferences
This panel allows you to set defaults for image captures.

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