(Photo 2022.10)
Riichiro Saito, Professor of Physics, Tohoku University
- Affiliation
Saito Group,
Theoretical Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Laboratory,
Department of Physics,
Graduate School of Science
Tohoku University
- Address
- 6-3, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8578, Japan.
- Room
- 847 Complex-B (H03)
- Phone
- +81-22-795-7754 (try 6445 if not avairable)
- Fax
- +81-22-795-6447 (Condensed Matter Theory Group)
- e-mail
- rsaito@phys.tohoku.ac.jp
- Visit?
- Welcome! Please make an appointment by e-mail.
Please see
Access information .
(photo 2017.10)
- Biographies in sentences:
- R. Saito was born on March 13th, 1958, in Tokyo
and recieved PhD degree in Physics
from the
University of Tokyo in 1985. After being a
research associate at the University
of Tokyo in 1985 and
an a associate professor at the University of
(Tokyo) in 1990, Saito is a
professor in Department of Physics, Tohoku
University in Sendai
since 2003. Saito wrote a book titled
"Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes"
with Professor Gene Dresselhaus and Professor Mildred S. Dresselhaus
published by Imperial College Press in 1998 (book citation 10,462 2020.9).
Early Times in Carbon Nanotubes (copy) , Original MIT sites
- Prize & Award
- The 18th Leo Esaki Prize (2022.3.10)
- J. Appl. Phys. Society Paper Award (First author M. S. Ukhtary) (2017.9.5)
- J. Phys. Soc. Jpn Paper Award (First author W. Izumida) (2014.3.29)
- IUMRS 2009 Somiya Award (2009.9.22) IUMRS.
- The Japanese Society of Microscopy Award (2009.5.28)
- The Japan Carbon Award for Innovative Research (2008.7.17)
- Hsun Lee Research Award (2006) IMR, China.
- Japan IBM Science Prize (Physics) (1999)
- Research (No further information in English)
- Recent Papers,
- Publication lists
Tohoku Univ. database
(Part of lists are written in japanese and not accepted yet.)
- Most cited papers: R. Saito,

(photo 2008.6, 2015.12)
- Books
- "Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes" (1998, Imperial College Press)
- "Raman Spectroscopy in Graphene Related Systems"
(2011, Wiley-VCH)
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